Yes yes, I know it's still 2 days to go, but seriously


I have my clothes sorted, I have my moo cards, train tickets are sorted (travelling 1st class there and back thanks to D!!! xxxx), conference tickets printed, hotel room booked, taking camera, lenses, MacBook Pro, iPhone and I am READY.

To all those who are going, I know that many people feel a bit funny about having their picture taken. I'm not official photographer for the day, but I'm hoping to get some half decent pics that could possibly be used by Cybermummy; if you ABSOLUTELY under NO CIRCUMSTANCES want to appear in ANY PICS at all, then please just let me know (politely!!) and I'll try not to catch you...though surely you'd want to be seen to be part of one of the UK's biggest blogging events so far :D

Go and visit the Cybermummy website for more info, including live blogging, tweeting and other regular updates.

I'll be tweeting and twitpic-ing throughout the day all being well; you're welcome to follow my tweet stream, just go to http://twitter.com/cosmicgirlie/ to see what I'm up too; expect possible drunken tweeting in the evening...

If you're going, please don't forget to come and say hi!